For God's Sake, Evolve!

You are born to learn and grow.  It is natural right?  As it turns out, from a spiritual perspective, quite differently than the way we have perceived from the material world.  The newtonian world view would say that intelligence is a by product of the process of evolution.  That is, there are less intelligent forms of life and through evolution they brought forward more intelligent forms, namely you and I.  What a universal spiritual perspective suggests is that all life is intelligent (since Spirit/God is all there is), infinitely intelligent and that evolution (ie growth, progress, expansion) is the by-product of this intelligence.  That’s a pretty exciting concept when you stop to consider it!  The soil knows exactly what to do with the seed, the soil is intelligent.  The seed knows exactly how to grow in the soil, the seed is intelligent.  From acorn to oak tree (evolution) is the by-product of this infinite intelligence.  

What does this mean for you and I?  It means that we are surrounded by an infinite intelligence that responds to us and it means that our nature is to grow, change and evolve as human and spiritual beings.  In other words, everything that happens in your life, does not happen “to you” but rather is happening “through you” and is a part of the creative process necessary to bring forward your own growth, expansion and evolution.  You are not here to achieve external accomplishments and life status and then simply maintain a status quo of “the good life.”  No, you and I are here to grow with every season of life and expand our thinking, our concepts of good, our ability to accept and give love, our constructs of what is possible.  We are here to be stretched into and ever increasing capacity for greater good, not just for our selves, but for the world.  What greater life purpose could there be?  So ask yourself, where have I gotten stuck in an old way of thinking, where do I see a pattern or rut that is keeping me from making real progress.  Where is the life intelligence within me calling for me to evolve?  And if you'd like to take it a step further, where has our collective experience as a society become stuck?  Where are we being called to evolve by way of experiences that are no longer serving humanity as a whole?  Wow, that's big stuff....


Unbound by Precedent


Accessing Your Super-Power!